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Sarkozy Merkel Lagarde cartoon

Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel cartoon

The French and German leaders fighting over EU policy as the Euro ship sinks, oblivious to Christine Lagarde offering them the IMF lifebelt, for Estates Gazette. Germany was very reluctant to come to bail out of debt-laden Greece, which caused great anxiety in the French administration. When German reunified the French political establishment's greater fear was that would, eventually become inward focused and single-mindedly pursue its own agenda of national interests and act unilaterally. The leaders gathered in Brussels to can come up with a plan to help Greece and create stability for the bloc and alay the worst of French fears. The German chancellor, later agreed a deal on a bail-out for Greece and alayed fears that Europe could not manage its own affairs and created some degree of harmony with respect to economic policy. Thus stabilising the currency and alleviating tensions between the leading member states.

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Lagarde EU