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Party balloons David Cameron cartoon

David Cameron and Ed Miliband political cartoon

Election balloons polls created by Gary Barker for Tribune.

Prime Minister David Cameron, the Leader of the Opposition and Labour Party Ed Miliband, Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Libdems Nick Clegg and UKIP leader Nigel Farage vie for poll position cartoon, but are blown on the wind of events and public opinion. With the 2015 general election less than a year away, no one party has a comfortable lead in the opinion polls. Labour have a slim lead over the Conservatives and UKIP have replaced the Libdems in third place. But polls are not seats and the eurosceptics still have to win their first seat in the House of Commons.

Westminster rife with rumours of leadership challenges, it seems certain that at least two of these politicians will lose their jobs after the next year's poll, with only Nigel Farage appears safe in his position. And with Boris Johnson throwing his hat into the ring by confirming his intention to stand as an MP, there will be those already lining him up as the next Conservative leader should they lose the election. Theresa May being another worry for the PM, as she appears to be able to do no wrong as all the major slip ups at the Home Office appear to have left her reputations untarnsihed. While the Blairite contingent, still smarting at the fact their leader was held to his promise to step down, snipe in from the wings at Ed Miliband. But it seems likely the UK will have another coalition government in 2015, as no one seems to be heading for an overall majority.

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